September 15, 2024

Weekly Horoscope-English

Weekly Horoscope - October 2017


29th October 2017 - 4th November 2017

Aries | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017

Moon-Herschel 1st, Rahu 4th, Mars-Venus 6th, Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus 7th, Mercury 8th, Saturn-Pluto 9th, Moon-Ketu 10th, Moon-Neptune Labh and Moon travel through Vyay Sthan. Surya Namaskaar or Sun Salute as well as regular yoga will be your key to good health. Your enemies will not stand a chance against you. Family problems need to be solved by dialogue at home. You need to look after your family. Employed must obey orders from their seniors to a T. Do not meddle with others’ business. Concentrate on your tasks. You will be confused with many thoughts creating a chaos in your head. Keep a tight rein on your emotions and do not take on unnecessary tension.


29th October 2017 - 4th November 2017

Taurus | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017

Rahu Parakram, Mars-Venus 5th, Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus 6th, Mercury 7th, Saturn-Pluto 8th, Moon-Ketu 9th, Moon-Neptune 10th, Moon Labh and Moon-Herschel travel through Vyay Sthan. You will suffer from mental and physical tension. Do not stay awake until you fall sick. Students cannot afford to ignore their studies. You must sharpen your decision making skills. Offer your cooperation. If you are in a love relationship, you must try and understand your lover’s thoughts and teach them the value of symbiotic living. Do not keep anything private from your life partner. To make the most of the lucky opportunity, you must plan accordingly.


29th October 2017 - 4th November 2017

Gemini | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017

Rahu 2nd, Mars-Venus 4th, Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus 5th, Mercury 6th, Saturn-Pluto 7th, Moon-Ketu 8th, Moon-Neptune 9th, Moon 10th and Moon-Herschel travel through Labh Sthan. If lovers confess of their love in front of parents, they might get permission to get married. If you are transparent in your dealings, there will be fewer arguments. Your spouse will be intelligent, educated and attractive. You need to sweet talk with everyone. Ensure that the environment at home spoiled. Students will find success in exams if they concentrate in their studies and not waste time at play. Do not interfere in other’s business.


29th October 2017 - 4th November 2017

Cancer | Kalnirany Horoscope 2017

Rahu 1st, Mars-Venus Parakram, Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus 4th, Mercury 5th, Saturn-Pluto 6th, Moon-Ketu 7th, Moon-Neptune 8th, Moon 9th and Moon-Herschel travel through 10th House. Do not ignore old health concerns. Meditate in order to rid yourself of mental and physical tensions. Students will have to study like never before in order to succeed. They need to have patience and constancy in their studies. Do not take any decision based on emotions, they might turn out to be wrong. Work circumstances need to be handled smartly. When discussing with business partner adopt a long term view. Using new technology at work will be profitable. Do not criticise others in order to make yourself look good. Do not trust strangers easily.


29th October 2017 - 4th November 2017

Leo | Kalnirnay Horoscope

Mars-Venus 2nd, Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus Parakram, Mercury 4th, Saturn-Pluto 5th, Moon-Ketu 6th, Moon-Neptune 7th, Moon 8th, Moon-Herschel 9th and Rahu travel through Vyay Sthan. Your dreams of short trips will come true this week. Take care of your belongings when traveling. Take care of your money. Avoid unnecessary expenses. Your responsibilities are set to increase. Stay away from negative people. Keep an eye on the children but do not take needless tension. Take the advice of elders at home. Keeping calm will bring you more success in life. Do not place too much trust on anyone.


29th October 2017 - 4th November 2017

Virgo | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017

Mars-Venus Rashi Sthan, Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus 2nd, Mercury Parakram, Saturn-Pluto 4th, Moon-Ketu 5th, Moon-Neptune 6th, Moon 7th, Moon-Herschel 8th and Rahu travel through the 11th House. You must start a dialogue on the home front. Use your intellect to keep the unity at home. You must nurture love relationships and create trust. Respect your spouse. In order to create happiness, you must adopt an attitude of compromise. You will get a chance to increase your income. If your money is stuck with a debtor, remind them again and again would be a good idea. The past is not in your control, so do not think about it.


29th October 2017 - 4th November 2017

Libra | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017

Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus 1st, Mercury 2nd, Saturn-Pluto Parakram, Moon-Ketu 4th, Moon-Neptune 5th, Moon 6th, Moon-Herschel 7th, Rahu 10th and Mars-Venus travel through Vyay Sthan. Get to a doctor on time and not try to brave any kind of illness without help or medicines. If you follow a diet, you will be healthy. In love, keep a control of your feelings. Problems in love will disappear. Give a chance to your love to air their views. If your spouse has questions, take time out to answer them. Understand their feelings. Stay away from temptations and false promises. Do not have too much self-confidence or take unnecessary risks.


29th October 2017 - 4th November 2017

Scorpio | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017

Mercury 1st, Saturn-Pluto  2nd, Moon-Ketu Parakram, Moon-Neptune 4th, Moon 5th, Moon-Herschel 6th, Rahu 9th, Mars-Venus Labh and Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus travel through Vyay Sthan. Make efforts to improve your financial status. Include the whole family when discussing how to lower household expenses. Everyone need to cooperate and talk things through. If siblings are in trouble, find solutions after thoughtful analysis. Students will need to study like never before in order to succeed in exams. Make sure your efforts are in the right direction. Be ready to work really hard and always stick to the truth.


29th October 2017 - 4th November 2017

Saggitarius | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017

Saturn-Pluto Rashi Sthan, Moon-Ketu 2nd, Moon-Neptune Parakram, Moon 4th, Moon-Herschel 5th, Rahu 8th, Mars-Venus 10th, Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus Labh and Mercury travel through Vyay Sthan. In love use letters and text messages very carefully. Do not build castles out of one sided love. Remember to face reality. If married, then attempt to remove obstacles in your life and maintain harmony. Students must refrain from scattering efforts in all directions and concentrate. Modern thought processes and your ability to stick to your work will bring you success in exams. Friends might offer good advice but don’t depend wholly on them.


29th October 2017 - 4th November 2017

Capricon | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017

Moon-Ketu 1st, Moon-Neptune 2nd, Moon Parakram, Moon-Herschel 4th, Rahu 7th, Mars-Venus 9th, Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus 10th, Mercury Labh and Saturn-Pluto travel through Vyay Sthan. Take care of health when traveling. If medicines have been prescribed for you, take then them on time. Being vegetarian will be good for you. Balancing your books will ease many worries. When it comes to money, don’t trust people easily. Maintain harmony at home. Solve basic problems. You will have to take care of your parents. To progress, hard work is a must.


29th October 2017 - 4th November 2017

Aquarius | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017

Moon-Neptune Rashi Sthan, Moon 2nd, Moon-Herschel Parakram, Rahu 6th, Mars-Venus 8th, Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus 9th, Mercury 10th, Saturn-Pluto Labh and Moon-Ketu travel through Vyay Sthan. In any kind of paperwork, expert advice will be helpful and necessary. Try and consolidate your position at work. Find out more about new business, don’t take any decision in haste. Adopt a cooperative attitude at work. Try to invest more. In recovering an old debt, do not get into arguments. You are attracted to new things so make progress in that sphere. Stay alert. Look after the health of elders in the family.


29th October 2017 - 4th November 2017

Pisces | Kalnirnay Horoscope

Moon 1st, Moon-Herschel 2nd, Rahu 5th, Mars-Venus 7th, Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus 8th, Mercury 9th, Saturn-Pluto 10th Moon-Ketu Labh and Moon-Neptune travel through Vyay Sthan. Genetically inherited illnesses need to be taken care of. You must get health check ups done regularly. Fulfill family obligations. Bring family members together to move forward. Plan an event in order to make the family environment happy. Take care before you take out a loan. You must make plans to overcome financial problems. In love, understand that anyone can make mistakes and hence you must point out your spouse’s mistakes gently. Try to create happiness in your marital life.

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Choose your sign

Aries | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017
Taurus | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017
Gemini | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017
Cancer | Kalnirany Horoscope 2017
Leo | Kalnirnay Horoscope
Virgo | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017
Libra | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017
Scorpio | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017
Saggitarius | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017
Capricon | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017
Aquarius | Kalnirnay Horoscope 2017
Pisces | Kalnirnay Horoscope

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Important Days – September 2017

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