September 10, 2024
positive parenting | positive thinking | good parenting | parenting tips

सहेजिए मासूम मुस्कुराहटों का इंद्रधनुष | डॉ. मोनिका शर्मा | Save the rainbow of innocent smiles | Dr. Monika Sharma

सहेजिए मासूम मुस्कुराहटों का इंद्रधनुष   माता-पिता के रूप में अपने बच्चों को बीते को भूल आगे की सोच की सौगात दें। खुश रहने और खुशियां बांटने वाले बच्चे कभी अकेले नहीं पड़ते। बता रही हैं जानी-मानी लेखिका।   माता-पिता बनने के बाद हर इंसान, हर चीज बच्चों के भविष्य और खुशहाली की सोचकर ही […]

Children | parental care | children care

Today’s Children – Spoilt or Misunderstood? | Parinita Ganesh

Today’s Children – Spoilt or Misunderstood? Practical tips to raise today’s children. Being a parent is probably one of the hardest jobs in the world. And being a decent enough parent is even harder. Even more so, today! Sometimes it feels like an Olympic sport. Life can seem like a never-ending list of this or […]

Parent | Parenting Tips and Skills | Duties | Skills

Are you a ‘mindful’ parent? | Rhea Gandhi

Are you a ‘mindful’ parent Is your relationship solid? A baby doesn’t ‘fix’ your relationship, it actually makes the cracks more visible. The resentment, dissatisfaction, helplessness you might feel towards your partner will escalate. Their role as a mother/father doesn’t change how they are as a partner. Also, is it fair to a baby to […]

Parents | positive parenting tips | psychology of parenting | parenting tips for toddlers encouraging good behavior | positive discipline | parenting

No : Parent’s guide to using the word effectively | Gouri Dange

Parents have a duty of refusal to certain things. How do you say no without unleashing a war on the home front ? Here is a question that many parents will find familiar: “I need to learn the art of saying no to my kids. Sometimes it’s easier to give in because saying no takes a real […]