Monthly Horoscope

Planets dictate moderation. Do not take any decisions impulsively. Be patient. Decisions will have to be reached with a compromising attitude. On the family front, responsibilities are going to increase. Be on your guard while handling financial deals.

The planetary position offers a mixed blessing. You will grow in social stature. You could win some hearts with your charming nature. However, extra efforts are necessary to strengthen your financial position. Cut down expenses on luxuries.

The times are conducive to familial bliss. You will enjoy success with proper planning in your field of work. Don’t let partnership differences escalate. Women may find it difficult to sustain rising family expenditure.

Work pending with the government agencies will fall in line this month. Your duties entail some compromises on the family front, which may not be to your liking. Meet your dear ones in the later half of the month.

“Avoid excesses” in all fields this month. At work, it is better to mind one’s own business. Contact with influential people will prove beneficial. Those belonging to the political class get excellent opportunities.

They say ‘Foolish fear doubles danger’ and you know it. Succeed you will. Do not ignore health issues. Those who wish to enter wedlock will find a suitable match.

The discipline, tolerance and courage which you have inculcated in your personality over the years will be of great help. Avoid lending or bailing out others. Seek expert advice while investing funds. Participating in religious activities will prove blissful.

If you take into consideration the social status you enjoy, you would be able to avoid conflict.. At times it is beneficial to remain aloof. Do not offer to shoulder avoidable responsibilities. Be Patient.

This month is going to impress on you, the importance of time management. Try your best to keep your word. Salaried people should not cross the limits of their authority. Look after the elders and take care of their health.

Planets are favourable. Work will gain momentum, but you will have to put in a bit extra effort. New business agreements will prove beneficial. Residence related issues will be resolved soon.

The future of an individual is charted based on how he faces an adverse condition, financial crunch and competition. Long distance travel is on cards. Moderation in indulgence is advised. Women will have increased family responsibilities.

‘Know your limits and act accordingly’, caution your stars. Do not try to show off or you will fall fl at on your face. You will meet new people. Distance yourself from family feuds.